Keep an identity document with you at all times, to show at the check points, along with your boarding pass. For further information, please see your airline website.

Code: FR
Telephone: 895.589.5509 – 895.569.8769

Code: AZ
Telephone: 892 010
Identity document
A valid identity card is accepted as an identification document for entry into EU countries. The identity card is accepted only in some Extra-EU countries, and only for trips organized by Tour Operators. For further details, please the the relevant country sheet, on the Viaggiare Sicuri website.
A passport allows access to all countries worldwide whose governments are recognized by the Italian government, with or without a visa. The passport is valid for ten years.
For Unites States of America:
When travelling for business or pleasure, with a return ticket and for a period not exceeding 90 days, you can travel to the United Stated of America visa-free, through the Visa Waiver Program.
In order to take advantage of the Visa Waiver Program, you must obtain the ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) by filling out the related form and paying the on-line fee on the website before departure.
The following passports are valid for the Visa Waiver Program::
- machine readable passports issued or renewed before 26 October 2005
- passports with a digital photograph issued between 26 October 2005 and 25 October 2006
- electronic passports issued from 26 October 2006 onward
Driving License
Driving licences are not valid as travel documents in Italy, and they are not valid as identity documents abroad.
For health reasons, some countries require or recommend vaccinations and special preventive measures before travelling: for updated news on the destinations and on the related requirements, see the Viaggiare Sicuri website.
Unaccompanied minors: new rules for minors under the age of 14 travelling alone
Since 04/06/2014, the parents or tutors of minors under the age of 14 travelling without their supervision, who want to entrust the minor to a natural person or to a transport company (such as an airline), must sign an accompaniment statement, which will be filed at the competent Police Headquarters.
The new procedure entails the issuance of a paper statement, or entry of the statement directly onto the minor’s passport. In the first case, the Police Headquarters will issue a certification of the statement, which the chaperone will submit at the border, along with the valid minor’s passport; in the second case, the statement will be printed directly on the minor’s passport.
Before purchasing a ticket, check that the transport company is willing to take custody of a minor under the age of 14.
For further information, see the State State Police website.
Travelling with minors
All children’s passports must be individual: all Italian minors must be equipped with an individual travelling document to travel in Europe and abroad, i.e. a passport, or, if the destination Countries recognize it as valid, an identity card or another equivalent travelling document. Registration on the parent’s passport will no longer be sufficient; this travel document will be valid only for the holding parent, until its scheduled expiration.
For Unites States of America:
In order to be eligible for the Visa Waiver Program, all minors, including newborns, must hold an individual passport with digital photograph. Alternatively, an entry visa must be requested.
For Czech Republic:
An individual identity document is necessary also for minors over 15 years of age. The identity card replacement document (authenticated photograph generally issued for minors under 14 years of age) is not accepted by local Authorities. In this case, an individual passport is required.
For further information, see the State Police website.